How to understood report results?
The report page will show you potential issues within your company, alerting you to be aware of any problem areas.
The report page will show you potential issues within your company, alerting you to be aware of any problem areas.
What exactly am I seeing in the traffic lights?
The ultimate goal of this report is to ALERT you for potential problems in your company. 
If you see a red light on your traffic light you should definitely stop and investigate the feedback further. Green is good to go and orange calls for caution on the topic given. 
It works just like the traffic light system you are used to from your everyday life.
The lights basically reflect a ratio of positive answers to negative answers. If you have more positive answers than negative, you will see a green light. If you have more negative answers than positive, you will see a red light. And if the number of positive and negative answers is even, you will see an orange light.
This is important to keep in mind when customizing your questions and statements. Unless you want to change and redo the methodology completely, you must follow the principles bellow to keep your report consistent and have correct results.
Pros are green and show positive open answers collected from your respondents in a given section.
Cons are red and show negative open answers collected from your respondents in a given section.
To be added here: More info needed here on how the answers are shown and which one.
How to customize questions to make sure the methodology is still working?
The ultimate goal of this report is to ALERT you for potential problems in your company/HR process. 
If you see a red light on your traffic light you should definitely stop and investigate the feedback further. Green is good to go and orange calls for caution on the topic given. 
It works just like the traffic light system you are used to from your everyday life.
Correct way:
  • Overall, I am happy with the recruitment process.
  • I have received all the information I needed for the recruitment process.
  • My work environment feels pleasant.
  • My colleagues are helpful.
Incorrect way:
  • I don’t feel secure at my job.
  • I feel my salary is low.
  • Questions asked at the interview were
  • inappropriate.
  • I heard horrible things about this
  • company.
This assures the traffic light system works correctly and shows you proper and unified results.
Correct way:
You may have 8, 10, 12,... etc statements in a section.
Incorrect way:
Placing 7, 9, 13, statements... etc in a section.

Those two lines for open answers are shown in the report next to the traffic lights. Pros are green and show positive open answers from your respondents. Cons are red and show negative open answers from your respondents.

While you can definitely rename them (like “Enjoyable moments from interview” instead of Pros in the interview section), DO NOT CHANGE THE NATURE of those open questions. 
Meaning: do not change Pros into something like “Tell us more about yourself”.